Video evidence against the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists in Egypt

This is a set of video material proving the brutality and violent intentions of the Islamist groups in Egypt. Please watch and try to obtain an alternate media source other than mainstream or MB-biased media in your country of residence. 

تم تجميع فديوهات تدين الارهابيين وترجمة عنوان الفديو
مجهود كبير أخذ وقت كبير ... أرجو ان تقوموا بنشرها

1- القيادي الإخواني وليد خطاب: سنغرق الشوارع "بالدم".. وضباط الشرطة والجيش ليس لهم عندنا دية
Muslim Brotherhood leader Walid Khatab says "The streets would sink in blood and police and army are of no value to us"
2- أحد أنصار مرسي يهدد "بحرق البلاد" بعد القبض عليه في "النهضة
A Morsi supporter threatens to burn the country after being arrested at Al Nahda sit in
3- مقاومة الإخوان أثناء فض اعتصام رابعة العدوية
Muslim Brotherhood resisting police during the disengagement of the sit-in at Rab3a al Adaweya
4- الأسلحة التي تم ضبطها أثناء فض اعتصامي "رابعة" و"النهضة
Weapons that have been seized during the dispersal of the sit in at Al Nahda
5- الأمن يعثر على نعش مملوء بالذخيرة ومسدسات خرطوش في "النهضة
Security found a coffin filled with ammunition, pistols, cartridges at Al Nahda sit in
6- الاخوان يحرقون الخيم و ممتلكاتهم قبل فض اعتصامهم 
Brotherhood burning tents and belongings before dispersing their sit-in
7- أعمال عنف ومهاجمة منشآت حكومية بمصر
Violence and attacks of government buildings in Egypt
8- .. إضرام النار في كنيسة بالمنيا 
A fire set on in a church in Minya
9- استخراج أكثر من 20 جثة مقتولة من أسفل منصة رابعة العدوية 
More than 20 dead bodies found under Rab3a Al Adaweya platform
10- عناصر الإخوان يشعلون الحرائق في القاهرة 
Brotherhood members ignite fires in Cairo 

11- الإخوان يقطعون شارع جامعة الدول العربية وملثمون يطلقون أعيرة نارية 
Muslims Brotherhood disconnects Game3et Al Dewal Street and masked men shoot fire
12- الإخوان يقطعون شارع جامعة الدول العربية وملثمون يطلقون أعيرة نارية 
Muslims Brotherhood disconnects Game3et Al Dewal Street and masked men shoot fire
13- الشرطة تضبط كمية كبيرة من الأسلحة والرصاص الحي بإعتصام النهضة 
Police seized a large quantity of weapons and live ammunition at Al Nahda sit in
14- مشاهد مقتل ضباط قسم كرداسة على يد عناصر من الإخوان 
Scenes of the killing os Kerdasa Department officers by members of the Muslim Brotherhood
15- فيديو سحل وقتل سائق التاكسي من قبل مؤيدي الرئيس المعزول بالأسكندرية 
Dragging and killing a taxi driver by supporters of the outsed president in Alexandria
16- معتصمو رابعة يضرمون النار بمسجد رابعة العدوية قبل مغادرتهم 
Protesters setting fire at Rabaa Al Adaweya mosque before departure
17- شاهد غرفة الإعدام بالمستشفى الميدانى وحبل المشنقة فى رابعة العدوية
Execution chamber and the gallows at the hospital at Rabaa Al Adaweya
18- فضيحــــــــه عالميـــــه يقوم ببثها التليفزيون المصرى لجماعه الاخوان المسلمين وشاهد ماذا فعلوا 
Worldwide scandal broadcasted by the Egyptian television of the Muslim Brotherhood and watch what they did
19- حاول الاخوان قتل مصورين اثناء تصويرهم استخدام الاخوان للرشاشات 
Muslim Brotherhood tried to kill photographers while being filmed using their guns

20- Al Fateh mosque: pro-morsi protesters initiate a fire extinguisher inside Al Fateh mosque to portray the picture as if police shot tear gas on them

21- A pro-morsi in AlFateh mosque acting dead/injured, doctor reveals his injured area, finds nothing, and the dead victim raises his leg (ALJazeera camera quickly switchs to another scene)

A pro-morsi supporter, believed to be peaceful by American - western media. He looks normal, he might be student in an Engineering or medicine school, a son of a poor mother, a brother to a family man, but carrying a machine gun against his army-police-civilians ends it only by shooting him on sight (that's the law). When his corpse goes to the morgue, human rights reps and foreign media take him on camera, and serves as a rich 'material' for the brotherhood to campaign their cause (as many of them said and did - blood is the fuel of war).

Ahmed Samir Assem, a pro-morsi who got shot dead in the National Guard (military facility) events, he was a photographer for the freedom and justice party (legal arm of the brotherhood), this was his exact facebook status before he joined the attackers in the incident: "To the Christians of Egypt, Morsy was trying to keep you away from so much choas, by your stupidity you lost your only chance to live in peace/safety,  behold you traitors, Pope Twadross threw you in hell, that's for you to understand that your safety is only in establishing Islam and not fighting it! You (christians) will be the first losers!" Comments are asking him to stop insanity and hate speech in the name of Islam, and prayers for him to repent, he doesn't reply, but a friend (it seems) suddenly says "peace be upon you" (indicates his death), the guy with the comment in red circle has a profile picture of a sign meant to tease/warn/challenge public Egyptians from the Rabaa people, the hand sign was given in a speech by Erdogan (Turkish PM) in a speech yesterday supporting MB in Egypt.

Patrick Kingsley, a correspondent for the guardian (I'm sorry for them), was only on the Rabaa/pro-morsi side, accuses a  local TV channel (actually a program in a channel, but it seems he got it wrong which proves he isn't professional) that it called for beating him up without providing an video/audio evidence of such a call! How can professional reporters believe any statements from amateurs taking news as a gossip? How can anyone even trust the truth or interpretation of his pictures? He know calls for freedom, does he know it?

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