Christian Copts - The long struggle with persecution

I know there are many intelligent Muslims out there in Egypt, especially from the middle-class, but unfortunately, there are tons of so called Muslims who oppose their religion out of pure ignorance and mental issues. Since the Maspero events in 9th of October 2011, the contrast was mainly between army soldiers facing Copts and Muslims together protesting against the SCAF, and it was known that Islamists (as usual) defended SCAF all the way even while they humiliate a woman wearing THEIR full veil outfit.
Another girl tortured by Egyptian soldiers 
Egyptian soldiers torturing a female protester more than a year ago 

At that time, Islamists were ready to even sell their dignity or join forces with the devil in order to reach the presidency seat. Them, and the muslim brotherhood in particular, did absolutely all what is opposing the advice in the holy book (Koran) to get someone as Morsy out there to spoil Egypt, and reformat the country upon their desires. This Morsy person, greeted Copts in Christmas before he was elected president. After he became president, his supporters started stupid talks saying Muslims should not be greeting Christians in Christmas as it is a path of disbelief! Really? I am a Muslim myself and I know that Prophet Mohamed celebrated a Jewish event (Ashoura) as a tribute to his 'brother' Moses! And I learned that Mohamed (PBUH) sent his tortured followers to a Christian King in Ethiopia telling them this is the safest place for them stay and witness justice. If this was the manners of the prophet the MB (and Salafi's) claim they believe in, how can we explain their never-ending treason and calls for hatred? I guess it is because they worship another prophet, Hasan El Bana and Sayed Kodb. 
But lets leave the MB aside, as they might not be the only villains out there. Many Muslims scream and yell out protesting against the west's practices against Islam and Islamic icons. They even burn embassies and threaten innocent people, that's not to mention killing, out of rage. But rage for what, or who? For Islam! For the honor of God or Mohamed! But do they ever know that the methods they use are the total opposite of what they were ordered to do?! I guess not, because the majority are ignorant, and read only fanatic-oriented books, or get raised in an extremely orthodox-pasted community of minds refusing discussion and modernization (regarded as disbelief). And that's how they become enemies to themselves. 
A few days ago, a spark of conflict has risen and 5 Christians were killed in Khousus city in Egypt. Their bodies were taken to a funeral in the Orthodox Cathedral. The angry families screamed against the brotherhood and their rule, which is absolutely logic and natural. But does that mean police forces stand outside for a while then respond with bullets and tear gas thrown inside the Church? Who's the maniac giving orders to soldiers for doing so? No matter what reasons are leading to any violence, no gas or bullets should get into a place worshiping God! 

Police vehicles outside the Cathedral

But, now the contrast is more likely between persecuted Christians and a large number of Muslims who are muted, and muted only because the murdered ones are Christians. I am sure that all Muslims who don't care, or who are not pained from what happened yesterday know nothing about their religion, nor they know that if anyone belonging to the "People of the Book" (Christians and Jews) are scratched, in an ordinary 'Muslim' country, this is actually a stab in the heart of Islam's dignity and honor. Not only the MB spoiled Islam's reputation, many Muslims took part in this. Many muslims think they guarantee heaven even if they commit tons of sins, many think they are superior over Christians and other fellow Muslims, many think they are the best out there while in fact they got this country the worst. 
This is a time when all Muslims are tested by God, are they able to prove they regard humans equally? Dear silent Muslims, being a Muslim does not definitely mean you are pure, its what you do what says you're worthy of respect and support. 
From the recent events
I want silent Muslims to understand that every move they make, every word they say, every glance they take of their Christian brothers are recorded in their heads and hearts. The more Muslims show negativity in their attitude, the more the contrast gets, till a bigger clash happens, and everything gets misunderstood after many people lose their lives for meaningless issues, yes, the "i'm right... they're wrong" insect playing in many peoples' heads IS a meaningless issue. I hope we can all get rid of it, and wake up to reality. And I'd like to tell Muslims who were always frustrated from the West's attack on Islam, "PLEASE... watch yourselves first" what have you done for minorities in your country except press conferences with a sheikh hugging a priest - the typical fake movie?! No judgement, and no crap! You either get their legal rights to their door or else Islam itself has nothing to do with you, silent Muslims. Or do you think (in your ill minds) they deserve what is happening to them because they embrace a different religion?
You are not superior over anyone, no one is, blood is blood, and only God is superior over all. No one, and especially you silent Muslims can guarantee heaven. This is my message to you... Enough is enough, the so called 'Islamic rule' ends by these tragic events, the long struggle with persecution should end, along with ending the rule of the Muslim brotherhood. Or else we all will pay the price.
From your deeds, you get what you deserve ...

Mina Daniel's sister - A martyr in the Maspero massacre

From the Maspero massacre 
